Now I don't know if this is indicative of my photography skills, or if my phone just has a wonderful camera, but if you couldn't tell already I'm guilty of using my phone instead of my snazzy Canon 35mm Silver digital camera. My phone is a free upgrade Blackberry Curve that's outdated, and my camera was an 800 dollar Christmas present. Don't tell my parents.
Anyway, the Bronx did this thing again today where it seemed enveloped in the weirdest light; the sky had the darkest purple hue while the sun was still strong enough to poke its head out at different moments, creating viole(n)t shadows. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to my With Teeth post in which I described the Bronx as post-apocolyptic. Today I really felt like it was the year 3010 and perhaps Mars was encroaching upon our atmosphere, mixing red with our bluest sky.
I see this scene everyday on my way to Brooklyn, its located near the Burnside stop on the 4. What impresses me the most about this picture is the graffiti at the top of the building! Who put it up there and how did they get up there? I have no idea!
P.S. El Barrio means neighborhood.
I've always wondered that! I'm pretty sure they do it upside down with paint rollers from the roof...