"Bronx Secret Garden" is what my roommate called this picture when I uploaded it (on facebook) and I think it perfectly says everything I wanted this picture to say and more. Not only am I in love with the delicate intertwining of the plants on the fence, but I am just so curious as to who lives in this building.
The fire escape is such a lovely green and it makes me think that this fire escape is more special than all the others. I can only imagine that the red door leads to a small, smelly (in a good way) place where people are laughing and talking, and there are things hanging on the wall. Perhaps though, its just a door leading to a basement, but does someone live there? Who? I have all these questions about this building that I photographed while in an ally down Arthur Avenue, and I don't think anyone can answer them! How great is it to be mystified by something in your own neighborhood!
Lately I've been probably over-using the saturation content of my pictures. Maybe this is a small cry for Spring to finally SPRING, or maybe I'm just tired of drab colors. I want the hot green of the grass and the vivid blue of the sky and the earthy tones of the branches to be real and not digitally enhanced, whether on the computer or in my imagination. Will that ever happen?
I feel like a curious kid looking at this house.
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