Today the snow fell in clumps. I really enjoyed it for two reasons: 1. my classes were canceled for today, and 2. everything looks so much better with some snow on it.
This picture I took while playing around on my fire escape. We have lights up on the railings, and they looked really erie while the snow was falling. Sad to say, I will not be experiencing the many joys of my fourth-floor fire escape any time soon since my super bolted it shut after we complained cold air was coming through the bottom. This means that if there is indeed a fire in, around, or outside my apartment, me and my wonderful roommate Catherine will be plummeting to our imminent deaths on Arthur Ave.
This picture is entitled, "El Invierno es Desnudo," or "The Winter is Naked," because of the serious black and white tones that pop out while snow is falling. You can see it everywhere, white atop anything with a surface, black concrete on roads, black railings of fire escapes, and black leafless trees. Everything stripped to the bear minimum. No fancy colors. No sun, sunset, or sunrise. Just black and white.
In this picture, I took out most of the green and blue tones from the light and the background. I sharpened it up a bit, blurred the background, and played with the contrast. What I love most about digital photography is playing around with effects and adjustments...saturation, levels, highlights, tone....its all so fun! Although I am fully aware you can play around with these things in the darkroom...but who as time nowadays?